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The easiest way to strengthen your current fitness is through exercise... Yes, go for a walk.
Here is an article in which we start simply with walking. It is the most uncomplicated and best free physical activity. You don't need expensive equipment, either. You can do it anywhere without restrictions in the city, village, or forest. Walking has many benefits, and we will list some of them later, but just walking can improve your overall health and solve the problem of cold feet and hands.
Walking is man’s best medicine. – Hippocrates
People use their legs less and less in today's world. Ironically, we have never traveled longer distances, and our lifestyle has never been faster. Only when I imagine a bigger city is it a madhouse with more cars than people, various taxi services, buses, and food deliveries on bicycles that fly like crazy, not to be penalized for being a few minutes late. Children and adults increasingly use electric scooters that drive like rockets, and you have to be careful that someone doesn't crash into you.

And that's just the beginning. Jobs are increasingly like online jobs, where people don't leave the house all day. I know some of my close friends, and I am sure you do know, too. Maybe in the future, we won't need legs at all!
Interesting Facts About Walking
Walking is a simple and easy exercise that offers many physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Whether you walk slowly or briskly, it can greatly improve your health. Here are some interesting facts about walking:
How much did our ancestors walk a day?
Male and female hunter-gatherers would typically take 16,000 to 17,000 steps.
How much do we walk today on average?
Well, on average, we hardly walk about 4000 steps a day.
How much do researchers think we should walk a day?
We are no longer physically strong like our ancestors, so we need not emulate their daily steps. Researchers believe that we should take about 10,000 steps a day.
How should we walk?
Ideally, you should start with a basic check-up with your doctor, such as checking the musculoskeletal system, blood pressure, and lung capacity. This is especially important for people with chronic diseases and old age. You should start walking moderately and for a shorter duration. For example, walking three times a week. You can walk for fifteen or twenty minutes and gradually increase it. By slowly increasing it over several weeks, you can walk every day for half an hour, which researchers consider ideal.
What types of walking are there?
There is easy walking, moderate and brisk walking, treadmill walking, hiking, Nordic walking, and many others. Of course, everyone chooses the activity they like according to their health and fitness. It is important to note that moderate walking for half an hour a day, a couple of times a week, is enough for health and physical and psychological well-being.

Surprising Great Benefits of Walking
A walk of just half an hour raises our mood.
Raises the level of creativity
Improves concentration
Increases the flexibility of our joints
Stimulates the building of our bones and prevents osteoporosis
Supplies all our tissues with oxygen
Improves digestion
Improves blood circulation, the problem of cold feet and hands
Lowers the level of bad cholesterol
Our bodies were created and designed for movement (blog post), but unfortunately, we move less and less and risk various diseases. I don't think we should be like our ancestors. Walking and hunting all day long is a thing of the past, but at least we should move more and find an optimal dose of weekly activity.
One important additional note!
I have flat feet, which hurt when I walk too long. I solved this by visiting an orthopedic clinic and regularly wearing orthopedic insoles in my sneakers. Visit an orthopedist, scan your feet, and, if necessary, have orthopedic insoles made to protect your feet. Flat feet can cause pain in your knees and spine!

Final Tips
So, walking is simply and naturally arranged in us through evolution. It can improve us physically and mentally and is suitable for the body and mind. Walking more in parks and nature calms the mind. Find someone who also wants to walk, walk together, socialize, and exchange experiences. You can also get a dog; you walk him, and he walks you.
Sometimes, go uphill if you are able. It strengthens the muscles and creates endurance and overall body fitness. Create a walking routine. An activity diary or Weekly Planner (ad link) can help in which you write down your daily activities, including walking. A good idea for motivation is to track the number of steps per day with a smartphone or, even better, with this simple Smart Watch (ad link), easy to carry on hand.
Of course, you should also use quality light sneakers for walking or running. The wrong shoes can cause pain or injury, so choosing the right ones is essential. Check out these tested-quality Running Shoes (ad link), and be ready to plan your next sport activity: walking.
This post is for informational and educational purposes only. This post should not be taken as therapy advice or used as a substitute for such. You should always speak with your therapist before implementing this information. Thank you!

👉 If you know someone who wants to be more active but is unsure where to start, is struggling with motivation, or is just curious about healthy living facts, share this with them. Let's inspire each other!
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